Press Conference - January 5, 2018

Come join us this coming Friday to challenge Governor Cuomo’s recent attack against working people.  Cuomo portrays himself as a supporter of immigrants, but in truth, he is an exploiter of workers, especially immigrants, women and people of color.

In October 2017, Cuomo’s Department of Labor issued new regulations  that legalize a 24 hour work day for home attendants, eleven of which are UNPAID. These inhuman regulations represent a brutal attack against the predominantly immigrant women that do this vital work caring for our aging, sick and disabled friends and family.

But we are fighting back! We are members of the Justice for Home Care Workers Campaign. On Friday, January 5th, our legal representatives will be arguing our challenge to these regulations at the Industrial Board of Appeals at 75 Varick Street in Manhattan, and we will be there. Join us to ensure that the voices of workers, patients, family members and friends in the senior, disabled and health care communities are heard that day!

Where: New York State Department of Labor, 75 Varick Street in Lower Manhattan

When: Friday, January 5th

Time: 11am press conference, 12 noon hearing

for more info, call us at 212-358-0295 or read more here

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